yes its another blog involving animals. i have been deemed a modern day beatrix potter due to the amount of animal content my blogs have to offer, but everyone loves animals so i shant stop now!
moments ago, daisy and i had been discussing my love of my cat bailey. i think daisy was trying to insinuate that the love sometimes went too far, but i think she's just jealous that she doesn't have a cat as cool as bailey. "you wanna see my pet duck," daisy proclaimed "well it's dead now." cue laughing fit number one.
so daisy sends me this picture of her duck, clint:

simultaneously i am listening to this song by the kinks. cue laughing fit number two. me and my mum have this concept of song's "looking like" pets. this term means that a song fits well with something, as in the song could be this things soundtrack. its usually funniest when animals are involved, like with this duck - clint.
daisy found this concept a bit perplexing at first. although discovering songs that look like animals should be a spontanious and coincidental event, in order to educate daisy, she sent me images of her pets which i then added soundtracks to. this image following image i accompanied with this song :

daisy then felt comfortable with the concept and attempted her own putting this song to this image:

...laughing fit number three quickly ensued.
and as an extra, here's a song for bloggers that i just danced round my bedroom with bailey to.
love emmie twee