Yes, yes, yes and yes. I'm the worst blogger ever. Apologies but summer happened and I got lazy and my Farmville was thriving. If Farmville was my career, I'd be rolling in it.
But back to my actual profession (or desired one at least), photography. I'm carrying on the mods project. Here's the progress so far. I wanted to shoot at the NUTs Crossfire night but that wasn't til the weekend before my tutorial so I did some practice shots of my skinhead loving sister. Nice shots, but not what I want to "achieve". Cheers though, Feebs.

They're a bit flat aren't they? I had planned on using a hand held flash so I tested it again on Feebs before Crossfire.

Finally, my Crossfire shots. Got a few lucky snaps but its all a bit scruffy for me. I want to be more in control of the composition, lighting and posing - so basically everything. But check out the last shot of Antony and Toby, that's more along the lines. I'm still confused about what lines I want to continue this down but I'll only get it once I go through a few different approaches.

Hope you NUT-ers like the shots if you're in them. Any opinions, critiques or comments give us a shout!