in the middle of the tutorial. shit. but as luck would have it, he loved it then proceeded to look through the whole of my little book, not really giving a shit about my ideas for the project. i got on with it and came up with the two images above.
my idea was to look at the home as a safe haven. a place you feel that you can escape the rest of the world but infact it's quite the opposite. consumerism invades. even the things that make up the interior of your home are a product of globalization, so i was just trying to communicate a sense of the alien, maybe even that we become zombies. i dunno. it was just a funny idea. i had planned to shoot an image of my dad on a laptop, but he got drunk and fell asleep.

i think dinu really liked the work. he compared the top image of my mum to this early photograph by philip lorca dicorcia and even said my version was more sophisticated than what he had done. wow.