Saturday, 27 November 2010

"Just pretend the photographer's your boyfriend"

You guys may remember a photoshoot I featured here late last year. The American Apparel style one? Well, Becca's had to step it up a notch this year so she asked if I'd mind doing another shoot, this time involving some nipple action. Every fashion magazine these days seems to feature the odd nipple or 7 so I thought I'd better get some practice in. Briefing to me: over-exposed, American Apparel feel. Briefing to model: pretend the photographer is your boyfriend. There's me stood in a Fred Perry, chunky tassled loafers complete with short hair cut and minimal make-up. I think she may have gotten the "lesbian" impression. Oh well, it worked for the shoot, I think...?

Mods - suprisingly enough

Some recent shots. I'll write something here with more thought and wit later.

Sunday, 14 November 2010

Cold Christmas

Worked with Daisy and Kiran on a photo shoot for their fashion promotion shoot. We started off the day on a road trip with the model, Matt, and Daisy's hamsters, Elvis & Quentin. Don't ask. Somehow, it ended up that we dressed the model in a dead man's house, left just as it was, listening to his vinyls. By way of thanking me for driving and agreeing to help with the photo shoot, Kiran threw pants at my face. We headed out to the Hertfordshire countryside to a supposedly haunted pagan church, Cold Christmas, walking on tomb stones and scaring the fuck out of Kiran. The Broncolour flash wouldn't fire with the camera, which is typical, so thinking on the spot I used a longer exposure and test fired the flash by hand. Annoying? Very. But we got the shots in the end. Here are a couple, straight out the oven:

I'll get an example of the end layout once Daisy and Kiran have stopped stressing about their hand in.

Friday, 12 November 2010


Hassleblad very kindly let us people doing the digital option loose on their studio and cameras. I think they regretted the move when they discovered the broncolour lamp cover we melted... ahem, Shelley. Either way, I learned a lot from it. It was freshing to work with a professional model and a huge scoop built studio. If you ever get the chance to work or visit the studio then I thoroughly recommend it. This is one of the shots I did. Had a little refresher class in retouching back at uni the next day so below is the before and after. I have much to learn still...



Not content with the model, Shelley & I stepped in to show her how its done. I think this is a perfect representation of our friendship. Shelley giving me hassle, blad.