Thursday 29 April 2010

busy bee

look! i've been busy! honest! here are some of the most successful shots so far from my project with nonna. leave some feed back if you can, as i'm all over the place with it as you can probably tell. i'm really enjoying the visits, talking with her, catching up on lost time. i like the images too but i feel there's no identity to it? anyone agree? let me know what you think.

Saturday 24 April 2010

sonic BOOM

yes i am still alive. it has honestly taken me all of 3 weeks to recooperate from the le beat bespoke weekender. i am obviously not cut out for this dirty stop out lark. still, i had the best time ruining myself and got some pretty good shots to prove it too. i've met so many people, i'd even be interested to pick up where i left off as regards the dandy project as i don't feel that's quite fully resolved yet. any more mod folk out there who would like to sit for me? don't be shy!

anywho, above are some shots from the weekend. the rest are on my flickr page. feel free to have a nose around.

Thursday 1 April 2010

"er... no that's actually my mantel piece"

today was "test shot" tutorial day, but due to the lack of focus on my little Vince's lens (Vince is the name of my 450d) i had to russell up a bit of a make do shoot in my own bedroom. but actually, it brought up some interesting points. nonna & i's rooms are quite alike, even down to the collection of rubbish on the mantel piece as jean pointed out:

"and yes, the fact you've chosen to focus in on her mantel piece shows all these trinkets of treasured memories-"
"um.... no that's actually my mantel piece... and my bedroom... actually all of those images are my room, not hers"
"oh! well now that IS interesting."

but now i have so many ideas and roads to go down that i have to rein it in a bit. i've been writing down my thoughts on the train journey's to & from nonna's as well as looking at her, her relationship to me, the loss of relations between her & my father - where do i go next!?

i think i'm just gonna do it all. end of.