it's saturday night and i'm back home, having a night in with tv, dvds and my dad's mental cocktails. i've had three sips of a "shocker" and i'm already feeling the effects. i put the word shocker in commas as i've just looked up the recipe online. it goes:
2 shots vodka
1 shot aftershock
1 can red bull
that's definately not what's in my glass. it goes something more like:
1 shot quantro
1 shot grenadin
1 shot tequila
1/2 pint cider
and a squeeze of lemon.
my dad's idea of a shot is the equivalent of about 5. right, i'm even more smashed now since i started writing this, i've not even drunk half of it yet. my dad just asked if i want a top up. i'm gunna pass.
last night's london adventure was a laugh, if not slightly tamer than we'd imagined. being used to spending no more than 6quid on a chatham student night out, a £10.40 round of drinks came as a bit of a shocker (and not in the sense of my dad's cocktails either). still, i got suitably drunk and pointed at a woman stood next to me unnoticed for at least half an hour.
after a sleep that was repeatedly interupted by a siamese throwback cat on my face, i got myself up early to take more barnado's kids pictures. this time it was my eleven year old geezer cousin and his mate, charlie cox and tommy nobbs. even down to their names, they're proper little geezers. hopefully the pictures will follow suit.
oh and as a little request, anyone know the name of the photographer who did black & white documentary photography of skinheads in the 80s? there's this one picture of two skinhead kids, a boy and a girl, on an estate. its a brilliant picture. the bloke's name is really british 'n' all, like dave or steve or something. anyone know who it is? or got any more clues as to who it is? it's been bugging me and caroline since thursday afternoon.
emmie twee
hey i'm sams girlfriend.. he said we were mweant to be meeting you at tap the other night, but we couldnt make it. anyway to put a face to a name i had a browse on facebook and found this etc... and the guy who took photos of skinheads... i think you mean gavin watson... x i'll prob meet you in the near future so :)