i feel all growed up. today me, charlie, shaun and wai-sum-lum-bum-cum-dum-yum-yum went to look at a house for next year. a modest little terrace house, just off of city way took the lime light when we all imagined our indebted selves going about our studenty ways inside it. a few vital questions need to be asked before we seal the deal like the cost of bills and the all important "can we have a cat?", but i think we're all pretty happy with it. there's a massive feud between charlie and wais over who gets the biggest room. the decision came through the flipping of a coin, which wai-sum lost, claiming that the method of deciding was unfair and that doing "a penalty shoot out or summin" would be a much better determination of who was more worthy of the extra space. being mature and of little income, i've decided to go for the smallest room, meaning i pay less rent and charlie is now in my taxi service debt for the year as his room is consequently twice the size of mine.
in other news, summer is on its way and i can't bloody wait. the plan: runaway as many times as possible, take countless reels of poundland film, say YES more, work work work, meet as many new and interesting people as possible and travel back to 2005 and see blink 182 reform. yes mark. yes tom. yes travis. take off your pants and jacket has been on repeat for 5 days running.
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