Wednesday 4 March 2009


yes this is third post of the day, and what? i think the novelty of having my own blog is taking over but i'm going to review the fruits of my labour for today. a whole day involving two rather crucial tutorials probably shouldn't go unblogged so you can shut right up.

firstly, the advertising project - my one being barnados. the length of the tutorial was something to be desired but that seems to go for any tutorial these days. none the less it was a pretty enlightening ol' session. the contact sheets went down well. the one's of the girls were awesome. here's the favourite, let me know what you think:

the ones of olivia and joe went down pretty alright too, joe's face in this one being described as "absolutely brilliant" so well done joe. there's some other less successful ones, i might post them in a seperate blog a bit later. it just took me the best part of an hour to sort out the placement of them two and i don't think i have the patience to battle with other images right now.

second tutorial was about the infamous set build project. its barely two weeks in and i'm already fed up of hearing about it. don't get me wrong, i'm looking forward to it and rather excited about making it. i know it'll be awesome and a right laugh but there's such a nerdiness surrounding it. the people at uni get, what i can only describe as, "condrahendraddle"* about it. there are bigger problems in the world. it's just like working at schuh. at the end of the day i have to always remind myself: it's just a project/shoes. people get so serious about things like that. just have a laugh for gawd's sake. c

coincidentally there is a seperate blog for our set build project - i shant be quoting any of what i just said in there but it should be pretty sweet. we'll be starting that officially tomorrow, posting an obligatory "group shot", the film we've chosen and the scenes we're thinking of doing. as soon as its started i'll make a little link on here. got a little twist on our group shot as well so watch this space. well, you should watch that space but that space doesn't exist yet so watch this space whilst you wait for that space to appear.

i'm actually gunna go and have a life now. no more blogs today. even if it's really really important i'll do it in the morning because more than 3 blogs in one day is both sad and unnecessary and probably pretty boring to read.

emmie twee

*condrahendraddle: a word my mum made up to describe being really technical and lar-di-dar about stuff. like for example "are you going to use an FP Strato doo-lar 400 to do that with or a MK Blurgo 2.5 Recto? because you know with the Strat you'll get a lot of fluctinaught on your membro." show offs basically.

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